
刊名Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2001, vol.46, no.1 2001, vol.46, no.2 2001, vol.46, no.3 2001, vol.46, no.4

A new approach for analysis of switched circuits with excess elementsLucia Dumitriu; Mihai Iordache20012001, vol.46, no.2
New contributions to the study of lightning current's parameters. Part IIIleana Baran20012001, vol.46, no.2
Genetic signalsPaul Dan Cristea20012001, vol.46, no.2
Attenuation of symmetrically distributed additive noise from biomedical signalsAnca Daniela Ionita; Ioan Dumitrache; Traian Ionescu20012001, vol.46, no.2
A fuzzy approach in the image segmentationEugen Diaconescu; Monica-Anca Chita20012001, vol.46, no.2
A class of hybrid control systems-basic problems and trendsVirginia Ecaterina Oltean20012001, vol.46, no.2
Limitation algorithms for the behaviour model controlBogdan Vulturescu; Alain Bouscayrol; Florin Ionescu; Jean-Paul Hautier20012001, vol.46, no.2
Swirling analysis into an outflow disk MHD generator channelEne Barbu; Constantin Neaga; Luciana Bala20012001, vol.46, no.2
Power losses induced by a filiform conductor in an elliptic cylinder shellAndrei Dobrescu20012001, vol.46, no.2