
刊名Queueing systems


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

2001, vol.37, no.1-3 2001, vol.37, no.4 2001, vol.38, no.1 2001, vol.38, no.2 2001, vol.38, no.3 2001, vol.38, no.4
2001, vol.39, no.1 2001, vol.39, no.2-3 2001, vol.39, no.4

Reliability analysis of the retrial queue with server breakdowns and repairsJinting Wang; Jinhua Cao; Quanlin Li20012001, vol.38, no.4
Worst traffic passing virtual frame regulation: analysis with dynamic programmingDaniel C. Lee20012001, vol.38, no.4
The versatility of MMAP[K] and the MMAP[K]/G[K]/1 queueQi-Ming He20012001, vol.38, no.4
Discrete time geo/G/I queue with multiple adaptive vacationsZhe George Zhang; Naishuo Tian20012001, vol.38, no.4
On the modification of Rouche's theorem for the queueing theory problemsV. Klimenok20012001, vol.38, no.4
Existence condition for the diffusion approximations of multiclass priority queueing networksHong Chen; Heng Qing Ye20012001, vol.38, no.4
The buffer-bandwidth trade-off curve is convexKrishnan Kumaran; Michel Mandjes20012001, vol.38, no.4
The virtual waiting time of the M/G/l queue with impatient customersJongho Bae; Sunggon Kim; Eui Yong Lee20012001, vol.38, no.4
Homogeneous customers renege from invisible queues at random times under deteriorating waiting conditionsMoshe Haviv; Ya'acov Ritov20012001, vol.38, no.4