
刊名European Transactions on Telecommunications

Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies新兴电信技术汇刊2012~2024


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2018

2000, vol.11, no.1 2000, vol.11, no.2 2000, vol.11, no.3 2000, vol.11, no.4 2000, vol.11, no.5 2000, vol.11, no.6

Design of a multistage optical packet switchCarla Raffaelli20002000, vol.11, no.5
On the use of sampling theory for passively monitoring QoS in packet networks fed by different types of trafficIrene Cozzani; Stefano Giordano20002000, vol.11, no.5
Multiuser detection analysis in DS-CDMA channel with Nakagami fadingDejan M. Novakovic; Miroslav L. Dukic20002000, vol.11, no.5
Efficient communication over the discrete-time memoryless Raleigh fading channel with turbo coding/decodingMichael Peleg; Shlomo Shamai(shitz)20002000, vol.11, no.5
Analysis of Kerr effect in IM/DD SCM systems with multiple optical carriersRajesh M. Krishnaswamy; Pradip Sircar20002000, vol.11, no.5
Blind adaptive parameter estimation for CDMA systems using cyclostationary statisticsFranco Mazzenga20002000, vol.11, no.5
Multicarrier modulation with multistage encoding/decoding for a Nakagami fading channelsLev Goldfeld; Dov Wulich20002000, vol.11, no.5
Compressed disparity information transmission over constant bit rate ATM channelsDionysis Papadimatos; Theodore Antonakopoulos; Vassilios Makios20002000, vol.11, no.5