
刊名University Politechnica of Bucharest scientific bulletin


1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
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2000, vol.62, no.1 2000, vol.62, no.2 2000, vol.62, no.3 2000, vol.62, no.4

Influence factors on truck tyre rolling resistanceC. Teodorescu20002000, vol.62, no.4
A formalization study of the relative heat release characteristic obtained on a CI engine fuelled with gasoil and methanol using the double injection methodM. G. Popa; C. Popa; N. Negurescu; C. A. Racovitza20002000, vol.62, no.4
The influence of the propeller slipstream on the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraftF. Frunzulica20002000, vol.62, no.4
Time dependent behavior of pressure feed rocket enginesR. D. Rugescu20002000, vol.62, no.4
Contributions regarding the aerojets propulsion systems generalisation-turbojet engine with "n" jetsV. Stanciu20002000, vol.62, no.4
On dimensioning of cylindrical gearsG Dobre; R. F. Mirica20002000, vol.62, no.4
Meshing models corresponding to gear in loading in the concept of relative displacement in loading of the wheels. Part 1G. Dobre20002000, vol.62, no.3
Comparative analysis of different methods for calculating the stress intensity factor using the finite element methodSt. D. Pastrama20002000, vol.62, no.3
Gasdynamical thrust of reactive enginesR. D. Rugescu20002000, vol.62, no.3
Axial turbo-machinery cascade design, using a general law for radial profilingV. Stanciu20002000, vol.62, no.3