
刊名Welding Journal

The American Welder美国焊接1999~2000


1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2021 2022 2023 2024

1999, vol.78, no.1 1999, vol.78, no.10 1999, vol.78, no.11 1999, vol.78, no.12 1999, vol.78, no.3 1999, vol.78, no.4
1999, vol.78, no.5 1999, vol.78, no.6 1999, vol.78, no.7 1999, vol.78, no.8 1999, vol.78, no.9

A hollow electrode GTAW system developed and tested for space applicationsKoichi Masubuchi19991999, vol.78, no.12
Dissimilar materials jointed by brazingAndrew Cullison19991999, vol.78, no.12
Eight steps to a successful weldDon Bobyk; Bob Hetzendorfer19991999, vol.78, no.12
Friction stir welding of armor grade aluminum plateGlenn Campbell; Tim Stotler19991999, vol.78, no.12
Numerical simulation of a time-dependent 3-D GMA weld pool due to a moving arc: the weld pool generated by GMAW due to an arc moving over a finite 3-D workpiece is numerically computed with a fine-grid resolution, resulting in a detailed field descriptioS. Ohring; H. J. Lugt19991999, vol.78, no.12
The effects of phosphorus and sulfur on susceptibility to weld hot cracking in austenitic stainless steels: a low level of phosphorus and sulfur may be a more effective inhibitor of HAZ cracking than a small amount of ferriteL. Li; R. W. Messler, Jr.19991999, vol.78, no.12
understanding contact tip longevity for gas metal arc weldingJulio Villafuerte19991999, vol.78, no.12
Weld bead characteristics in pulsed GMA welding of Al-Mg alloys: a diagram representing aspects of plate fusion behavior was developed to select the most suitable GMAW-P process parameter combination for a given weld bead sizeS. Rajasekaran19991999, vol.78, no.12
Welding metallurgy of alloy HR-160: the weldability of an advanced corrosion-resistant alloy is investigated and linked to microstructual development in the fusion zoneJ. N. DuPont; J. R. Michael; B. D. Newbury19991999, vol.78, no.12