
刊名Welding Journal

The American Welder美国焊接1999~2000


1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
2021 2022 2023 2024

1997, vol.76, no.1 1997, vol.76, no.10 1997, vol.76, no.11 1997, vol.76, no.12 1997, vol.76, no.2 1997, vol.76, no.3
1997, vol.76, no.4 1997, vol.76, no.5 1997, vol.76, no.6 1997, vol.76, no.7 1997, vol.76, no.8 1997, vol.76, no.9

Weld metal ferrite standards handle calibration of magnetic instruments: secondary standards were developed the can be sued to calibrate a wide range of ferrite measuring instruments and that can withstand shop conditionsB. J. Ginn; T. G. Gooch; D. J. Kotecki; G. Rabensteiner; P. Merinov19971997, vol.76, no.9
Universal quality assurance method for resistance spot welding based on dynamic resistance: dynamic-resistance-based universal quality assurance method provides the maximum nugget sizeA. G. Livshits19971997, vol.76, no.9
The long island rail road orders an all-welded fleet: a new welded design of locomotive is a feature for the busiest commuter railroad in the U.S.Bob Irving19971997, vol.76, no.9
Railroad welding demands specialized processes: to meet their tough service conditions, railroads must continue to advance welding technologyBrian Meade19971997, vol.76, no.9
Phase constitution characteristics of the Fe-Al alloy layer in the HAZ of calorized steel pipe: controlling the aluminum content of the surface layer of calorized steel pipe substantially improves weldabilityL. Yajiang; Z. Zengda; W. Xiang19971997, vol.76, no.9
Mechanical and metallurgical properties of MMC friction welds: with certain parameter adjustments; Friction welding can be a successful process for joining metal matrix compositesZ. Li; C. Maldonado; T. H. North; B. Altshuller19971997, vol.76, no.9
Friction welding takes on new applications: stimulated by automotive airbag technology, the use of the friction welding process is growingKevin J. Grewe19971997, vol.76, no.9
Friction stir welding process goes commercial: a friction welding process comes out of the developmental phase and into the commercial phase with the joining of aluminum ship panelsKarl-Erik Knipstrom; Bertil Pekkari19971997, vol.76, no.9
Experimental study of dual-beam laser welding of AISI 4140 steel: use of the dual-beam laser welding process results in lower cooling rates, reduced hardness values and a smaller volume percent martensite, compared with the single-beam processY. -N. Liu; E. Kannatey-Asibu Jr.19971997, vol.76, no.9
Development and characterization of joining techniques for dispersion-strengthened alumina: active brazing technology prove successful in joining ceramic to ceramic and ceramic to steelE. Lugscheider; W. Burger; U. Broich19971997, vol.76, no.9