Practical Preservation Strategies for Valves


刊名:Pipeline & Gas Journal
作者:Cortec Corporation
年卷期:2023, vol.250, no.5
分类号:U17; TQ54
文摘:(P&GJ) - Ball valves, gate valves, globe valves, butterfly valves, check valves and valve assemblies: all these are common and critical components in the oil and gas industry. Their job of regulating hazardous fluid flow in pipelines and piping systems underscores the importance of keeping them in peak operating condition. Unfortunately, one of the most common enemies of valve integrity is rust, which can attack and deteriorate valves during hydrotesting, shipping, and layup. The following tips from Cortec Corporation provide preservation guidelines during the three main phases of a valve's non-operational life-cycle. Phase 1: The Long Haul - Before a pipeline () or plant starts operating, thousands of components must be fabricated, assembled, and shipped to the construction site. Valves must be hydrostatically tested by the valve manufacturer to ensure no leaks.
参考中译:(宝洁)-球阀、闸阀、截止阀、蝶阀、止回阀和阀门总成:所有这些都是石油和天然气行业中常见的关键部件。他们的工作是调节管道和管道系统中的危险流体流动,这突显了使他们保持在高峰运行状态的重要性。不幸的是,阀门完整性最常见的敌人之一是铁锈,它会在水压测试、运输和铺设过程中侵蚀和恶化阀门。CORTEC CORPORATION的以下技巧在阀门非运行生命周期的三个主要阶段提供了维护指南。阶段1:长途运输-在管道()或工厂开始运行之前,必须制造、组装并运往施工现场。阀门必须由阀门制造商进行水压测试,以确保没有泄漏。