A Tangible Learning Application from the 3D Printer for the Practical Teaching of Meat Cutting in Inclusive Vocational Education


文集名:Learning Technologies and Systems
作者:Victoria Batz(Magdeburg-Stendal UAS)
Fabian Kuhne(Magdeburg-Stendal UAS)
Kristin Hasak(Magdeburg-Stendal UAS)
Frederik Pufe(Magdeburg-Stendal UAS)
Matthias Morfeld(Magdeburg-Stendal UAS)
Michael A. Herzog(Magdeburg-Stendal UAS)
会议名:21st International Conference on Web-Based Learning (ICWL 2022), 7th International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education (SETE 2022)
会议日期:November 21-23, 2022
会议地点:Tenerife, Spain
关键词:Inclusive vocational educationInteractive learningGame-based learningSerious games3D printingRapid prototyping
文摘:Vocational education and training in Germany are distinguished by the separation of training groups of different learning levels. In chef training, theoretical teaching content is mainly conveyed using lectures and textbooks. The abstract presentations and texts are not suitable for inclusive education. By pursuing a design science research process, a digital-analog learning application was developed for trainees with and without mental impairment. The tangible prototype for teaching meat cutting from pork was evaluated using 7 participants (trainee chef, trainee kitchen assistants and employees in the kitchen of a sheltered workshop) in an inclusive teaching setting with a mixed-method approach. The usability was evaluated with a User Experience Questionnaire, the results of which were positive. The learning outcomes using the 3D model were surveyed by means of a qualitative questionnaire and showed a high level of potential among all target groups. Two unstructured classroom observations documented the social interaction of the trainees. The learning application facilitates learning and promotes collaborative work.
